Friday, April 8, 2022

FST Update April 7, 2022


User Experience Review Testing Wraps Up

Wrapping up UER means that the over 400 folks across UVA who volunteered to help us take the system and our training team’s drafts of quick reference guides, or QRGs, for a test drive, have finished up walking through common transactions in the Workday Finance system, and we’ve learned a lot from their feedback. We’ll use that feedback to inform not only the quick reference guides, which are one of the methods we provide training support, but also, we’ll use the feedback to inform all training materials.  Read more about UER here.

Training Update

The training team is providing a comprehensive plan to get folks at UVA feeling confident about doing their jobs within Workday Financials.  They’re very close to publishing their schedule of instructor-led training, and they’re working on a whole slate of web-based, self-guided training that folks can take advantage of, too.  Read the latest Training Update.

Security Roles, or, "What will I be doing in Workday?"

The sprint effort to get Oracle roles mapped to Workday security roles finished up earlier in March, and pretty soon, folks should start hearing from their managers and leaders what their roles will be within the system.   You can read more about the roles and get a little more info about how that translates into training here.

Crosswalk of Oracle to Workday Finance Terms

The Business Terms site, established at the beginning of the year, takes all of the "Workday Words" we had been collecting, plus all the other terms we use in the course of business at UVA, and pulled them together into one online resource that serves as the definitive dictionary for how we talk about business at UVA.  Our stakeholders made us aware that it would be helpful still to have a more definitive crosswalk between the old Oracle terms and the new Workday terms, so we built a crosswalk for your use, and you can find it posted on the homepage of the business terms site. Visit the site.

Fund Ownership Availability

In the future state, units will be able to see funds available without needing to wait for a year-end settlement and carryforward calculations.  It will be much clearer who owns the fund balances as well as where the funds have transferred and how much has been spent.  The new model, while great for transparency and reduction of manual tracking of funds, does represent a significant shift in the way we think of budgets, so some support material is definitely needed.  Read more about the change and how we will support it.

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