Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The Mystery of A. Coe of Procurement

Contributed by Addie and Anders Coe

Siblings often get mistaken for one another - it's par for the course. However, it's not often that siblings work in the same office and for the same department. Also, many people are still working from home and mostly interact by exchanging email. All these factors create more opportunities for siblings to be mistaken for one another, to be mistaken for twins, or worse yet.... for one to be mistaken for the other's parent.

All joking aside, it can be fun to work with your family member. There are a lot of family duos within UVAFinance, but one duo who often deals with the previously described confusion is Addie and Anders Coe (That’s us!). We both work in UVAFinance’s Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services. Here’s a little more about what we both do in that department.

Anders' role in Procurement

Anders joined Procurement in May of 2021 as the Customer Experience Lead. Signs that you have spoken to Anders (not Addie):
          •  You emailed
          • You were sending inquiries about past due invoices
          • You experienced superior customer service
          • You left the interaction with a positive impression of PSDS
Anders has been the "face" of Procurement since May 2021, fielding all general inquiries to the buy-pay inbox.

Addie's role in Procurement

Addie joined Procurement in October 2017 as a buyer and transitioned to be the Procurement Systems Manager in 2018. Signs you have spoken to Addie (not Anders):
          • You were having issues within Marketplace
          • Your requisition disappeared, and you couldn't find it
          • Your purchase order refused to approve
          • You got a definitive answer for a non-definitive question
Addie and her team maintain the various Procurement systems used to create requisitions and purchase orders, such as UVAMarketplace.

But don't worry if, going forward, you accidentally email the wrong A. Coe. We'll always make sure your email gets to the right person.

Here's a fun Venn diagram that shows more similarities and differences between us: 

Click the image for a larger view

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