Sunday, April 24, 2022

Cutover Details Emerging as Workday Financial Launch Looms

Now that July 1 is really and truly on the horizon, we have several important deliverables coming around the bend. Besides training, one thing that people have naturally been very concerned about is cutover. 

By cutover, we mean when we turn OFF the old system and turn the new system ON. Not only are we talking about moving from one system to another, but we’re also factoring in the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next.  Obviously, there are lots of staff and faculty across UVA whose day-to-day operations will be impacted as we prepare to go live. 

The FST team is working hard with our partners across UVA to make sure everyone understands the key dates that will affect each area.  We’ve begun putting together a resource on the FST website that has cutover timelines and checklists to help you and your team get through cutover as smoothly as possible.

See the site here 

We’ll be working closely with business managers and finance folks across UVA on these dates, but those resources on the website will give you an idea of what has to be done. In general, May is a time of preparation for cutover events – it’s a time to think about the transactions behind activities you normally perform – like purchasing supplies, traveling and expensing, negotiating contracts, and more – and thinking about getting those things taken care of before the times of unavailability in June.

The timelines and checklists you see on the website for June give you a clearer idea of the last dates for transactions in the old system and the first dates that new systems will be available. Keep in mind we’ll be adding information to this site almost daily, and this isn’t the only way we’ll communicate about cutover.

We'll also take advantage of our Change Leader networks, direct emails to affected groups, and we’ll have discussions about it in groups like Fiscal Administrators meetings. There will be a lot of information about Cutover in the coming days!

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