Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Launching alongside Workday Finance: The completed UVAFinance Website!

The redesign of UVAFinance's suite of websites into a single, user-friendly site is a project over a year in the making.  Undertaken during the Finance Strategic Transformation and led by the Finance Strategy Team, the website redesign is an ambitious, ongoing project that now has a launch date in sight:  July 5, the same day Workday Financials goes live. 

If you haven't visited the site in the last month or so, stop by and take a look.  

UVAFinance colleagues have been working hard in partnership with the Strategy Team to update and transition content to the new site in a way that allows our stakeholders to get the information they need quickly.  The new site is organized by function, not department, meaning that you no longer need to have an understanding of Central Finance's structure in order to find the forms, training, and other resources you need.

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard (during a major implementation project, no less) to make this happen!


Related content:  What's new on the FST portion of the website as we prepare to Launch Workday Financials

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