Wednesday, June 22, 2022

UVAFinance in Action

Mark Cartwright, Director of Supplier Diversity, was a guest on Envision Radio, a partnership between WINA and the United Way of Greater Charlottesville, that focuses on racial equity, especially economic mobility as it relates to education, health, housing, and workforce development.  Cartwright's 45-minute discussion with hosts Ravi Respeto and Price Thomas took place on May 21.  Listen in to get to know more about Cartwright and UVA's Supplier Diversity efforts.

You can listen to the podcast conversation here.

Addie Coe, Procurement Systems Manager, presented at the National Association of Educational Procurement Annual Meeting in Texas earlier this June.  Coe's topic was "Optimizing Procurement's Revenue Streams."  During the talk, higher ed purchasing officers from across the USA learned more about UVA's innovative efforts to use contracts, technology, and other methods to generate revenue in order to become a self-sustaining administrative support organization to our partners across Grounds.

Augie Maurelli, Associate Vice President for Financial Operations, presented at the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Meeting in Texas this May.  Maurelli discussed endowment spending policy, administrative feeds, and required investment return.

Reach out to Brandi Van Ormer if you or someone on your team should be featured in UVAFinance in Action.

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