Sunday, June 5, 2022

Wellness Resources: June 9, 2022

Yoga Classes at Carruthers Hall

Reduce your stress and improve your flexibility by joining this weekly Yoga Flow class on Thursdays through July 30 from 12:00 – 12:45 p.m.

You can join via the Zoom link (password= cavman) or if you are back in the office, join the group in Carr-2. Note, on 6/30 & 7/7, the class will be in Carr-13 (downstairs in the SFS area). Be sure to let Carrie Crosby know if you’ll be joining in person and bring your yoga mat!

Zoom Link:
Password: cavman
Yoga Instructor: MaryLewis

Free Hoos Well/IM-Rec Classes

Join free exercise classes this summer! Classes are open to UVA employees and spouses and run through the end of July. Opportunities abound: from pickleball to yoga to Bootcamp! Come try a new activity, meet members of our UVA community, and dedicate time to your physical well-being.

See the schedule HERE.

Buy Local and Organic When Possible

The warmer weather brings more opportunities to eat fresh fruits and veggies. It’s always great to buy local when you can, so check out the area’s Farmers Markets. It’s also best to buy organic or no spray produce when possible, especially for items that tend to be highly sprayed. Check out this year’s top 12 produce with the most pesticide (aka The Dirty Dozen™) published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). See the Clean Fifteen™ also.


Learn to Manage Negative and Anxious Thought Patterns June 30, 12 PM - Presented by FEAP

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