Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for September 9th

This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released from August 8th - September 9th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

Read the full release notes after the jump, or visit the Reporting & Analytics webpage.

The Reporting team is working with end users to share useful learning materials related to reporting. 

To request new reports:  Email askfinance@virginia.edu with as much information as possible about audience, purpose, filters, fields, etc.

Top Five Most Used Reports over the Past Two Months: 
  1. Budget Vs. Actuals by Cost Center
  2. Spend Detail Report
  3. Find Expense Reports
  4. Employee Information for Costing Allocation
  5. Award Lines Overview
Our Reporting User Group is currently working on a Day in the Life FAQ on reporting.  This guide will match up 1-2 reports with the most frequent daily questions that fiscal administrators and business officers need to address.  Our goal is to provide you with a slimmed-down digest of go-to reports selected by your peers.  Target release in mid-October.

Note on the transition from commonly used UBI reports:

The Budget Balance Available (BBA) report previously available in Oracle/UBI has been retired because it was oriented around the concept of budgetary spending authority. In Workday, on all funds, we have moved to fully funding units in actuals and using budgets as the guiding plan. As such, you will see budget vs. actuals variance reports, fund balance reports, and a combination thereof in Workday and UBI.  The reports below are intended to be used with Annual/Financial budget reporting, not Award or Grant reporting.

  • Budget vs Actual by Cost Center
  • Sources and Uses Budget vs Actual with Balances
  • Fund Balance by Cost Center
  • Fund Balance by Assignee
  • Grant Balance Available
  • UBI - Workday Budget vs Actuals - this report can be customized to meet individual needs (should not be used for Awards/Grants)

The best replacement for the UBI GA Analysis (Actuals) or (Commitments) reports is the Workday Spend Details Report or the UBI Workday Journal Lines Report.  There is also a Revenue Details Report. The UBI app contains Actuals for both Income Statements (Revenue, Expense, and Transfers) as well as Balance Sheet ledgers. It also contains Commitments and Obligations.  The UBI Workday Journal Lines report can be customized to meet individual or unit needs.

For Award and Grant reporting, the following reports are recommended for general reporting - the Grants Management Spotlight report lists many additional reports:

  • Award and Grant Details Composite
  • Award Budget vs Actual
  • Grant Balance Available
  • Grant Budget vs Actual
  • Grants Expenses Reconciliation
  • Spend Details Report
  • UBI Workday Journal Lines

We do not currently have an Award/Grant Budget vs Actuals app in UBI but it is on the roadmap for mid-fall.

Adaptive Planning Release Notes delivered from Office of Planning and Analysis.


Significant Enhancements to Workday Reports:

  • Spend Detail Report and Grant Expense Reconciliation
    • Consolidated Vendor/Payee field that pulls the Supplier, ISP, or credit card merchant into a single field depending on the Journal Source.
    • Consolidated Transaction Info field that combines the Header Memo, Line Memo, and Line Item Description into a single | delimited field.  This field now pulls line-level item descriptions through from the Supplier Invoice.
  • Payroll Journal Summary Report - This report has been changed to summarize each employee/FDM worktag combination for the selected time period.  For details specific to pay period dates, use the Payroll Journal Line Details report. 
  • Find my Awards for Grant Manager and PI - Share permissions updated so this report can be used by anyone to find Awards and Grants by role.
  • Numerous additional enhancements and defect resolutions

New Reports added to Workday:

  • Grant Balance Available - designed with SOM input, this report provides a more summarized view of Grant balances that can be shared with PIs in support of Account Certifications.
  • BP and Security Spotlight Report - provides a targeted list of reports available for checking on business processes or security
  • Cost Center Role Assignments - Security - One row per Cost Center with all associated roles assignments in columns.  Can be used to find unassigned roles in a cost center.
  • General Ledger Details with Payroll - Copy of General Ledger Details now contains payee and vendor fields - primarily for the Health System finance office.  Recommend Spend Details for most users.

ICYMI from the last update:

  • Details for Account Certification -  New report bringing together more elements to support the Account Certification process
    • Combines Revenue, Expense and Transfer ledger items
    • Payee name/ID for Payroll transactions
    • Purchase Order as well as Supplier's Invoice number
    • Budget Date
    • ISD
    • Customer
  • BP in Process Monitoring -  New report can be filtered by Cost Center or Hierarchy, Initiator, or Approver and select # of days in the process to see all finance BPs awaiting action or approval.

Known Reporting Issues in Workday currently under review:

  • Fund Balance roll-forward has not been done so FY23 Fund Balances in Workday do not reflect the Fund Balance Realignment activity from July and August.  Target remediation by end of September.


Enhancements to UBI Reports:

  • Workday Journal Lines 
    • Added Budget Date
    • Added Award Cost Center, Department, and MBU fields to the data model
    • Added ISD details
  • Workday Security
    • Added Grant and Award default cost centers
    • Removed HCM security assigned roles
  • Workday Budget vs Actuals
    • Added Original and Working Budget
    • Limits Obligations to current fiscal year

 New Apps/Reports added to UBI:

  • Workday Financial Reporting  - Detailed Journal Lines reporting for the UVA Financial Operations & Reporting Team
  • SIS-WD Reconciliation - Finance Version - Student Finance detail for reconciliation with Workday financials.
  • Federal Work-Study - provides Work-Study amounts awarded to, and accepted by, a student, as well as the FDM worktags to which the Work-Study wages were charged.

Apps/Reports removed from UBI:

  • None

Known Reporting Issues in UBI currently under review or development:

  • Workday Payroll Costing
    • Employee Default Cost Center to be added - TARGET RELEASE 9/23
  • Workday Journal Lines
    • Missing detailed description on Supplier Invoice transactions
    • Missing Merchant information on Expense Report transactions
    • Position missing on payroll transactions
    • Pay Period information not available on payroll transaction
  • Workday FDM Reference
    • SIS Allowed Flag missing from Gifts information
  • Workday Fund Balance (NEW)
    • In UAT - Target Release by end of September or after year fund roll-forward
  • Workday Delegations (NEW)
    • In UAT - Target Release by end of September
  • Workday Award Budget vs Actuals (NEW)
    • In Design/Build with target release end of October

Important note regarding EDW/UBI reload schedule

  • The Date Warehouse (EDW) and UBI are currently scheduled to reload Sunday – Thursday nights with data extracts from Workday starting at 9 PM.  This timing is driven by maintenance and backup schedules for Workday and our data center.

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