Monday, September 19, 2022

Support Sustainability at UVA with "Hoos Making an Impact" Competition

Interested in making a difference in the UVA community? Then why not participate in the “Hoos Making an Impact” (HMAI) competition?

What is HMAI?

HMAI was developed by Staff Senate Co-Chairs Adam Griggs and Patrick Wood, President Ryan and his Executive Staff, and the Staff Senate.

“The competition’s inception was born from the idea that staff needed to be active partners with leadership in the crucial conversations that impact staff University-wide,” Staff Senate Co-Chair Patrick Wood explained when asked about HMAI. 

The goal of this competition, held annually, is to enable staff members to share their ideas for process improvement and to participate in implementing those ideas. Though subsequent years will not be themed, Sustainability was the chosen theme for the competition's first year since the University is working toward the 2030 Sustainability Plan goals.

Proposal Submission and Prizes

The submission portal is open to all Academic Staff from now through October 7th, 2022.

Staff members with the top ten submissions will present their proposals to a screening panel composed of representatives from the Staff Senate, and from the offices of the President, Provost, COO, DEI, and Sustainability.

The panel will choose up to three winning process improvement proposals to implement. The winners will receive $1,000 (teams split the reward) and a lunch in their honor with President Ryan, his leadership team, and the Staff Senate Co-Chairs. Winners will also be featured in UVA Today.

More information on the competition is available on the Staff Senate website.

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