Monday, September 5, 2022

New T&F Portal: A process improvement from Financial Planning & Analysis

Continuous Improvement is one of the four parts of Finance Strategic Transformation.  This September, the Office of Financial Planning & Analysis delivers an improvement around the 2023-2023 Tuition and Fee request process.

The team has been hard at work since last year’s tuition & fee submission rethinking, designing, and building out a new process for submitting tuition and fee requests utilizing Smartsheet. They're calling tthe new system the Tuition & Fee (T&F) Portal. 

The T&F Portal will provide a streamlined and simple experience for entering tuition & fee requests in coming years. Here are a few highlights users can expect:

• Familiar, Excel-like format for viewing prior-year data
• Enhanced reporting functionality allowing for a Board of Visitors report updated in real-time
• Ability to add all requests while staying on just one screen

The T&F portal is expected to open on September 12, and office hours and other resources will be available during the month of September while the portal is open for tuition & fee requests.

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