Wednesday, September 21, 2022

FST Update: September 22, 2022

No time to read all the text? Check out Five Things to Know about FST

Hypercare Case Backlog 

The FST Team is making headway with the backlog of cases during this hypercare phase of the project. The team has prioritized issues like registering and paying vendors, with some team members committing evenings and weekends to solve these issues more quickly, to reduce frustration for both our stakeholders and their vendor partners.  

A quick look at case volume: 

As of September 19, our Finance Solution Center still had 204 cases open at the Tier one level, but they have closed 3795 cases.  For the more complex cases at Tier 2, there are 866 cases open at that level, while 8,325 cases have been closed.

These numbers are on par with what would be expected from such a major implementation in a large organization like UVA.  During hypercare, our functional experts, training team, and several other finance folks are pitching in to help the Finance Solution Center answer your questions as quickly as possible and solve the problems causing stress.

Resources & Help Available

We appreciate that folks are still sharing their questions, working with us on solutions, and doing their part to understand the system.  Attendance at Office Hours has been consistent: since August 11, we’ve  And as of the beginning of September, there have been 10,214 training course completions. 

Although the hypercare phase technically ends when September ends, we’re still planning on having Office Hours in some form during October, for the sessions that are still in demand.

Keeping up with Items in Progress

51 items were deferred until after go-live.  Of the 45 issues still to be tackled, 16 of those are set to be done in September.  Remember that the UVAFinance website is a great place to go to keep up with not only those items in progress, but also on issues with the system and just general “of the moment” FST updates: The FST News Ticker on the home page, the Spend Issues update page, and our System Status/Known Issues page

Also on the website is the Workday Finance training page, which is full of not only the training links, but also quick reference guides, video demos, FAQs, and much more to help you get through the tasks you need to complete day-to-day.  

Reporting & Analytics Update

The Reporting & Analytics Team released a significant number of new and updated reports between August 8 to September 9 and there were some new reports for account certification details and grant balance available.  See the full details here.

The team is also working on a Day in the Life FAQ on reporting, which will match up one or two reports with the most frequent daily questions that fiscal administrators and business officers find themselves needing to address.  Their goal is to provide users with a slimmed-down list of go-to reports selected by their peers.   They’re looking to release that in mid-October.

Focus Groups Wrapping Up

There have been six topic-based focus groups that have met for multiple sessions, and the FST team will take that user feedback and use it to focus our efforts where they will be of the most help, and solve the most difficulties. 

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