Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Q & A: Security Role Access

Here are a few questions and answers we common to security access in Workday Financials.

Q.  What is the turnaround time for security roles to be added/removed and what could be delaying my request?

A.  Turnaround for complete requests (role and cost center/grant/gift/project numbers included) is three business days.  If the requests lacks any required details, there will be delays.  You can check on approval status of your request by reviewing the Disposition column in the My FIN Security Requests report.

Q.  What is the maximum number of security roles I can request per submission?

A.  The new maximum of roles per request is 20 roles.

Q.  What actions should I take to remove a training requirement for a role I do not need?

A. To have the training requirement removed, request removal of the relevant security role using Request-Based Access in Workday

Q.  When completing a request for security role addition or removal, which fields are required to be complete?

A. Complete all fields including Role, Security Group Type, Organization Type, and Organization.  Failure to provide these vital details will result in the request being sent back to you.  If you aren't familiar with the security roles and definitions, refer to the Finance Security Roles on the UVAFinance website.

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