Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Open Enrollment Website

Benefits Open Enrollment occurs October 3 – 14, 2022. The Open Enrollment website is open; take some time to review the benefits changes coming up and to review action items to prepare yourself for Open Enrollment.

Open Enrollment Town Hall – in addition to five Open Enrollment presentations offered Sep. 14 – Oct. 5 by the HR Benefits team, the Open Enrollment Town Hall on Oct. 5 will include presentations by FEAP, Hoos Well, Fidelity, and the UVA HR Leave, Benefits, and Retirement teams. Additional time will be given for Q&A. Visit the Presentations webpage for a full schedule and links to the presentations, webinars, and Town Hall.

This is a busy time of year, and your benefits are an important financial investment. Carefully plan and mindfully consider your benefits options before it’s time to choose, so you’re ready when Open Enrollment opens in Workday.
  1. Familiarize yourself with the Open Enrollment website.
  2. Redeem Hoos Well rewards by November 30.
  3. Deplete Full Healthcare FSA to $0.00 if considering moving into Basic Health for the first time.
  4. Schedule a 1:1 appointment with HR specialists if you need help. Call 434.243.3344 to schedule.
  5. Mark your calendar for the Open Enrollment key dates. Visit the Open Enrollment website or refer to the Aug. 31 Open Enrollment email to all benefits-eligible employees.

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