Monday, October 3, 2022

Fall Meeting - Reconnecting and Refocusing

 On September 29, the UVAFinance team gathered at Darden on Grounds to spend a day reviewing the progress over the last few months and working together on plans for future success. Angela Knobloch, Senior Director of Change Enablement and Continuous Improvement, moderated a Q&A with the leadership team providing everyone with insight and perspective on the many changes teams have gone through over the last four years.

Bird Guess, President and CEO of Racial Equity Group, who has been working with UVAFinance on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives delivered an innovative presentation on better understanding the structures relying upon and supporting racism and how we can influence change and continue to prioritize diversity. 

Knobloch, along with Patty Marbury, Training and Development Director, walked the team through the performance engagement pilot, and then JoAnn Auger, MSB Coach Facilitator, prepped everyone on adopting a coaching mindset. The day ended with teams meeting about service excellence and then socializing, enjoying a beautiful fall day on Grounds.

UVAFinance plans to gather in person again in Spring 2023.

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