Monday, October 17, 2022

Workday Financials Adoption Assessment

User adoption is a significant part of a successful Workday Financials deployment. With this in mind, the FST change management team recently compiled an adoption assessment to examine user adoption. This assessment gathered information on stakeholders' current comfort with the new system and also  considered the required next steps to help people feel more comfortable.

For the assessment, the team gathered data from numerous sources, including office hours, focus groups, school and unit leader input, workday reports, communication metrics (e.g. blog and website views), Salesforce Data, and user interactions with the WalkMe app. 

Feedback from these sources revealed some strengths of the project's work, such as the exposure to Workday before launch via roadshows, the training tenant, and User Experience Review sessions. As expected, the team also learned some challenges users face and identified some next steps to overcome those challenges. The team grouped the challenges into four categories: communication, learning materials, engagement opportunities, and system navigation and usability. 


  • Communication on significant changes to business processes is preferred over regular maintenance updates
  • Transparent communications on challenges faced by end-users 
  • More communication from school and unit leadership on collaboration opportunities
Learning Materials
  • Continue to provide a variety of resources
  • Continuous improvement of materials will help expand foundational knowledge of Workday
  • Some materials will require more detail on completing complex transactions
Engagement Opportunities
  • Overall, engagement opportunities have raised awareness of system enhancements and available support, but the FST team should further socialize opportunities
  • Additional opportunities to engage with functional leads, trainers, and FST leadership
System Navigation & Usability
  • Limitations in the system's usability due to conversion issues and processing backlog needs addressing
  • Current system inconsistencies require increased support from the FST team

For more information on the adoption assessment, head here

If you have questions about Workday Financials, don't forget the many resources available, including office hours,, training, and Workday Digital Assist (WalkMe)

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