Thursday, October 20, 2022

FST Update: October 20, 2022


 No time to read right now?  Listen to this update on WFST Radio

or check out 5 Finance Facts.

Don't forget:  So many helpful Workday Financials resources are available!

Just as a reminder, you can go to the Workday Finance Training page, and for every functional item you see there, there are quick reference guides on transactions you might do in that area, demonstrations of the transactions, and more.  Don’t forget about all those resources as you do your work!  And don’t forget that you can also access help with WalkMe, Workday’sdigital assistance feature that can be used right within the tool.

Behind the Scenes with the Ask Finance Team

The Ask Finance team is working hard to get the right answers as quickly as possible for our stakeholders.  But of course, they are learning just like everyone else is right now, so they are carrying a case backlog at this point, the majority of which are procurement-related cases.  Joey Carls, User Success Manager and fearless leader of the Finance Solution Center, has writtena really nice piece for the blog digest this week explaining how cases are being handled right now, plus some other practical info on how to flag their issue for a specific person on the team, what response times are looking like, and more.  

Reporting Resources Galore

Working with a group of fiscal administrators and business officers across Grounds, the Reporting & Analytics Team has produced a The Day in the Life FAQ document.  The goal was to provide you with a list of go-to reports selected by your peers for the most common scenarios. While we're still in stabilization, we've consolidated many reporting resources on this webpage, including the FAQ, links to training information, quick reference guides, and QRGs, and the reporting & analytics release notes, which are updated biweekly. 

Other Workday Financials Points of Interest

  • Delegation Routing Changes: As of this week, finance tasks that are delegated will no longer route to the manager for approval – instead, they’ll route to the senior department finance approver.  Read more on the blog.
  • Make Requisition Changes in Marketplace, not Workday:  When you create a requisition in the Marketplace, and it kicks it into Workday, you may find later that you need to edit that requisition.  The important distinction is that you need to do your editing of the requisition in the Marketplace, NOT in Workday – so if you need to add, change, or replace something, go to Marketplace to do that so there won’t be lags or failures in the purchasing process.

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