Thursday, October 6, 2022

Five Finance Facts: October 6, 2022


Time crunched?  Us, too.  Here are just Five Things to Know About Finance this week.

1.  Yes, the FST project is in the "stabilization" phase, but that doesn't mean we're lessening the availability of support.  The Team will continue to host office hours, work intensively on unresolved issues, and provide a high level of user assistance.
2. October Office hours are available, and if you're not sure which ones to attend, use our handy cheat sheet to pick the right sessions. 
3.  Take full advantage of the WalkMe tool inside of Workday Financials.  It provides guidance, walk-throughs, and links to our quick reference guides (all designed by our trainers).
4.  Self-paced courses are great refreshers for Workday Financials users.  Find links to these along with relevant quick reference guides, course slides, and demonstrations on our Workday Finance Training page. 
5. The Reporting & Analytics Team's latest release notes are available -- lots of report enhancements, corrections, and even new reports!

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