Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for October 10th

This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released from September 9th to October 10th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

Our Reporting User Group is currently working on a Day in the Life FAQ on reporting. This guide will match up 1-2 reports with the most frequent daily questions that fiscal administrators and business officers need to address. Our goal is to provide you with a slimmed-down digest of go-to reports selected by your peers. Target release in October.

Read the full release notes after the jump, or on the UVAFinance website

General Note on Obligations reporting in Fund Balance or Budget vs Actuals reports:

The default Ending Budget Date prompt is set to 6/30/23 however this will include the final FY payroll for 12-month Faculty that is deferred until July of the new fiscal year.  You can set the Ending Budget Date to 6/22/23 to prevent this.  We are looking into options for other ways to account for this, but that is the current solution.

Adaptive Planning Release Notes delivered from the Office of Planning and Analysis.


Significant Enhancements to Workday Reports:

  • Award/Grant Budget Vs. Actuals
    • Corrected error where Cancelled/Denied Budget Amendments were being included
    • Corrected error where Life to Date expenses only included the R&V company
  • Spend Detail Report
    • Added Grand Total row to report
  • Details for Account Certification
    • Vendor/Payee now includes Supplier, ISD, or CC Merchant
    • Transaction Info is a concatenation of Header Memo/Line Memo/Invoice Line Item Description
    • Added columns for Ship-Address, Requested By, and PO Memo
    • Changed Default Period to last Closed Period
    • Added Function worktag
  • Expendable Fund Balance Report
    • Corrected error in the Obligations Budget Date filter
  • Find Supplier Invoice
    • Added Match Status field to Prompt Set and report layout
    • Added Memo field
  • Supplier Contract Details Report
    • Added Grant ID field to Prompt Set and report layout
  • Payroll Journal Line Detail Report
    • Added Worker's Manager field to the report
  • Numerous additional enhancements and defect resolutions

New Reports added to Workday:

  • Find Credit Card Transactions - With Worktags
  • Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed or Approved

Known Reporting Issues in Workday currently under review or items of interest in Development:

  • Fund Balance roll-forward has not been done so FY23 Fund Balances in Workday do not reflect the Fund Balance Realignment activity from July and August.  Target completion in October.
  • Fund Balance with FDM - Similar to Fund Balance by Cost Center but with these worktags (CC, GF, DN, PR, AC, PJ, AS)
  • Spend Detail Report - add Hotel name from Expense Report into the Vendor/Payee field


Enhancements to UBI Reports:

  • Workday Journal Lines  (note that not all added fields may be in the report but are available for filtering and My Sheets)
    • Added Budget Date to the Details Report
    • Added Purpose Code for Awards
    • Added ISD details
  • Workday FDM Reference
    • Filtered out Inactive Worktags
    • Added SIS Allowed Flag to the Gift worktag
    • Added Purpose Code for Awards
    • Added missing levels to the Project worktag sheet
    • Fixed linkage between Awards and Grants
  • Workday Budget vs Actuals
    • Added additional views
  • Workday Payroll Costing
    • Added Employee's Primary Cost Center and Supervisor fields to the table
    • Added a tab with Institutional Base Salary (IBS)

 New Apps/Reports added to UBI:

  • None this month

Items in UBI currently under review or development:

  • Workday Journal Lines
    • Allow filtering on NULL Worktags
    • Include student name on supplier invoice payments to students
    • Position missing on payroll transactions
    • Pay Period information not available on payroll transaction
  • Workday Fund Balance (NEW)
    • In QA - Target Release after year fund roll-forward is complete in WD
  • Workday Delegations (NEW)
    • In QA - Target Release in October
  • Workday Research Administration 2.0 (NEW)
    • In Design/Build with target release end of October
  • Workday Status of Account Certifications (NEW)
    • Enhanced filtering and reporting on Account Certification Statuses
    • In Design/Build with target release end of October


Important note regarding EDW/UBI reload schedule

  • The Date Warehouse (EDW) and UBI are currently scheduled to reload Sunday – Thursday nights with data extracts from Workday starting at 9 PM.  This timing is driven by maintenance and backup schedules for Workday and our data center.

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