Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Simulated Phishing Follow Up

Shared by Information Security

On September 20th, UVA Information Security sent a phishing simulation email to 11,739 faculty and staff members. The goal for this training exercise was to help our community better understand how to identify phishing messages by providing a hands-on simulation. 

The results? 
  • More than 85% of our faculty and staff members did not fall for the simulated phishing message, wisely ignoring and/or deleting it. 
  • More than 500 took the extra step of reporting the message to abuse@virginia.edu 
  • Over 10% of recipients clicked the link, close to 4% entered their credentials, and a few even replied to the sender.
  • In UVAFinance, 98.7% did not submit data (great job!)
Please note it only takes one person to expose sensitive information or provide entry into our systems.
To learn more about cybersecurity awareness, training, and education opportunities, visit the InfoSec website  

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