Monday, February 20, 2023

AskFinance or OSP-Help?

Trainers and functional experts in finance and OSP, working with our support folks on the Ask Finance team and OSP-Help have been working together to sort out the grants-related questions that come into both areas.  Their aim is to best serve you, our partners across Grounds. 

A lot of the confusion around grants stems from the two units sitting organizationally, plus the transition from Oracle to Workday Financials.

In some instances, your grant questions could either be answered by UVAFinance or by OSP, depending on what the question is, and that makes it very confusing for both you as the asker and sometimes for us, too! 

You can ALWAYS inquire with the AskFinance Team with any grants question, and the OSP team is always happy to help with any question, too -- one way or another, either team will get you to the right person or resource to answer your question.  However, we know it sometimes takes a little extra time for us to sort out the questions on our end, so we wanted to share with you the guidance we developed for the internal teams on where to direct the grants questions. 

When do I AskFinance - only when grant worktag/s are involved:

  • If you would ask the same question if it was a Gift or a Designated – not specific to Grants. Ex. I’m using a Grant worktag, but I don’t know how to complete an Accounting Journal.
  • Questions about procurement transactions.
  • Questions about restricted spend categories on Supplier Invoice Requests.
  • Questions about F&A or Fringe Benefits calculation.
  • Questions about F&A Revenue Allocation Profiles (forward to Office of Budget & Planning).
  • Questions about transactions that are stuck.
  • Questions related to Workday or UBI reports.
  • Questions related to requests made in Workday (Request Based Access) for departmental Grant roles (Grant Manager, Grant Financial Analyst, Grant Certifier)

When do I ask OSP (
  • Anything related to Award set up in ResearchUVA PBH or Workday.
  • Requests to change Award Analyst.
  • Questions about Award or Grant funding or budget in Workday or ResearchUVA PBH.
  • Questions about SIS Allowed flag in Workday.
  • Questions about cost sharing, fabrication, program income grants in Workday or ResearchUVA PBH.
  • Questions about or requests to change spend restrictions on a grant.
  • Questions about the allowability of costs on grants.
  • Questions related to Award or Grant Start and End dates or Lifecycle statuses.
  • Questions related to F&A rates on grants.
  • Questions related to Sponsors assigned to Awards.
  • Questions related to sub-award invoices.
  • Requests to change the Award ID (either legacy G Award number or ResearchUVA PBH proposal/Award ID).
  • Requests to change Cost Centers on a grant.

Note that requests for actions taken to new or existing awards should be taken in Research UVA Powered by Huron via the Award Mod Request (AMR) activity. These include:
  • Requests for rebudgeting between grants.
  • Requests for early terminations.
  • Requests to change the PI.

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