Thursday, February 2, 2023

This February, Catch up with The Sprint!

At least a couple of times per month, the UVAFinance Equity Action Team hosts "Sprint Discussions," informal Zoom discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, with topics chosen by those attending. 

Sprints are a great way to catch up with colleagues and have open, interesting talks where we all learn from one another.  We've talked about podcasts and TV shows, historical figures and current events, and much more.  

We hope you'll join us for our February Sprint Discussions, as we tackle Allyship:

Thursdays, February 9 & 23, 4 pm
  • In the two February sessions, we’ll discuss Allyship. What defines a real, effective ally, and how is that different from what we sometimes see in the world around us?
  • Some helpful resources to check out: 
  • As always, we’ll also reserve time for current events discussion.
If the Sprint Discussions aren't already on your calendar, email us at the UVAFinance Equity Action Team and we'll fix that for you!  UVAFinance Sprints are optional and open to all. 

NEW:  Beginning January 2023, THE SPRINT PODCAST

If you miss a Sprint discussion, don't worry!  We've started a short-form podcast called The Sprint where we discreetly recap the content of discussions (no recordings, no revealing of the conversations) and the resources we used so that you can stay in the loop.  Check out the Sprint podcast online.

Related resources:  Learn more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in UVAFinance on the UVAFinance website. 

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