Thursday, February 9, 2023

Reporting & Analytics Release Notes: February 9


Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for February 9 have been posted to the UVAFinance website.  This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released since January 12th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

This update includes a new Expense Budget vs. Actual or Simple "BBA" report for Workday!

 Quick Tips of the Month:

·        When using the Prompt fields in Workday reports, you can quickly do a multi-select of your search results by using Crtl-A then Enter to select all available values.

·        To speed up the search when using the Worktags prompt field, type in the worktag prefix or Worktag field name along with the value you are looking for.  For example, if I know that I want to select the MBU level for Batten, I can search “CH4 Batten” or if I know my Grant name contains “Electron” but don’t know the ID, search “Grant Electron” instead of just “Electron”.

A friendly reminder that you always find this information and more reporting resources at: 


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