Thursday, February 9, 2023

UVAFinance Welcomes Sarah May

The May Family

The New Year brought a variety of different financial activities, less familiar worktags, and a lot more zeroes into Sarah May’s life, all via her new position in UVAFinance as a Senior Financial Analyst in Financial Reporting and Accounting.

May joined UVAFinance at the end of January, coming from UVA Athletics, where she served in various roles for nine years, most recently as Associate Athletics Director for Business Operations. May says that while she greatly enjoyed her work and her team, she found herself ready for a new focus.

“I’m an excel nerd at heart,” says May. “I love crunching numbers and creating reports. Where else could I do that but here in central finance?”

The transition from a major business unit to central finance has afforded May the opportunity to sharpen her focus on the investigative work she enjoys, and it’s also allowed her to shift her perspective.

“I’m relearning everything I learned during the FST implementation. It’s definitely a different lens here – what’s material in central is very different than it is in athletics,” she observes.

Even though she’s not as focused on the same details in central, her time in athletics helps her to see the bigger picture more clearly because she knows how things are connected at all levels, and how the work done in UVAFinance impacts schools and units.

“Central finance has done a good job of building relationships and putting themselves out there,” she says, “and I’m glad to be a part of growing that.”

When she’s not diving into funds, functions, and ledgers, May and her husband Cody enjoy taking on the outdoors with their two girls: Carson, six, and Taylor, five. When they’re not hiking, camping, fishing, and swimming, you can also find them enjoying Mario Kart and movie nights together.

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