Monday, March 22, 2021

"Earth Day Every Day" Community Celebration

A message from UVA Sustainability and the Carruthers Hall Green Team

This time of year, we usually begin announcing celebration plans for Charlottesville-UVA Earth Week, which takes place in mid-April. It’s been an extraordinarily tough year, but there is still so much to celebrate about our shared planet. That’s why for 2021, we look forward to celebrating all April long with an expanded “Earth Day Every Day” Community Celebration

We invite individuals and groups to participate in any/all of the following ways. Let’s show our friends, families, co-workers, classmates, and neighbors how much our community cares about this beautiful Earth that we all share.

Host or Attend “Earth Day Every Day” Events
Including virtual events and in-person events that adhere to UVA Covid policies at the time of the event (i.e. gathering size, masking, and distancing requirements)
To see or add events that are in the works, use this planning sheet
Submit your finalized event to the UVA Sustainability calendar
Events will be promoted by a number of community organizations
Subscribe to UVA’s SustainaNewsletter for weekly event reminders in April

Record and Watch “Green Neighbor” Videos
Learn more about what we are looking for and sign up HERE
Take 1-5 minutes to share your Earth-friendly tips/expertise
Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just submit by April 12
Videos premiere April 22 on Facebook, Insta, Twitter, and the SustainaNewsletter

Plan #EarthDayVA Social Media Posts for April 22
Show support with a unified state-wide message on Earth Day
Post on your personal pages and help plan posts to group/work accounts
Highlight your sustainability-related actions, goals, initiatives, or heroes
Use the hashtag #EarthDayVA and tag @SustainableUVA

Help Amplify this Community Celebration
Share this content and encourage other individuals and groups to participate
Help promote events and videos through your communication channels
Email to indicate you’ll be helping spread the word!

We are looking forward to celebrating this April, and we hope you are as well. If you have any new ideas or questions about how we plan to celebrate “Earth Day Every Day” this year, please do reach out.

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