Friday, March 5, 2021

Spread the word: Funding resources at the intersection of equity and the environment!


 UVA Equity & Environment Fund Workshop

Tuesday, March 16 from 4:00-5:30pm

Are you a student with a creative project idea that needs funding? Or are you part of an organization seeking to partner with UVA students?

The UVA Equity & Environment Fund is a $30,000 funding resource for student projects at the intersection of sustainability and equity. We will be hosting both UVA students & representatives from community organizations in an online workshop with the hope of building bridges & spurring equitable environmental solutions in our community. Attend to connect with a partner who might be interested in workshopping an environmental justice project idea with you. 

This workshop will explain the Fund, highlight a few past recipients, connect students and community groups, and give you time to workshop an E&E Fund proposal idea in the $500-$5,000 range if you wish. Please register at this link:

Questions?  Contact 

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