Monday, March 8, 2021

Reporting and Analytics Update: UBI and future-state reporting

 We talked a bit about our use of UBI in the future state (read that article here).  Basically, we'll still use UBI, but much less than we do today.  Let's delve into that a little more!

Here are some sample data and analytics use cases to give you a clearer picture of what enterprise systems we'll use for reporting and analytics  in the future state: 

  • Managing operational transactions on a daily basis:  today this is done in UBI; in the future, it will be done in Workday reports
  • Checking spending and commitments against a budget or forecast:  today this is done in UBI; in the future, it will be done in Workday reports
  • Managing the financial or operational performance of a team or department:  today this is done in UBI or Qlik3; in the future, it will be done in Workday reports and/or dashboards
  • Getting a high-level overview of the financial and operational performance of a school or unit:  Today this is done via supplemental systems, or Excel, using data from UBI; in the future, this may be done in Workday reports, Workday dashboards, and Adaptive Planning.
  • Performing ad hoc analysis to support a recommendation or answer a question:  today this is done in UBI, Qlik3, or Excel; in the future, this will likely be done in Workday Analytics.
  • Accessing historical financial data (pre-Workday) to respond to a request for information from an internal or external entity:  today this is done in UBI and Qlik3; in the future, you will still use UBI.
  • Reviewing year-to-date UFM results against budget, forecast, or prior year:  today this is done in supplemental systems, or Excel, using data from UBI; in the future, this will be done in Adaptive Planning.
  • Combining Workday financial data with additional data from a supporting system: today this is done in supplemental systems, or Excel, using data from UBI; in the future, we may utilize Workday worksheets, Prism, EDW/UBI (depending on the case).
  • Accessing data to report to external agencies annually:  today this is done in UBI or Qlik3; in the future, it may be done in Workday or UBI (depending on the case).
  • Extracting large datasets (i.e., journal lines) for analysis in Excel or other tools:  today this is done in UBI or Qlik3; in the future, it will likely be done in UBI.

We'll have more from the Reporting & Analytics workstream in future articles.  

Read more from Reporting & Analytics Workstream lead Mark Anderson in the Online Community.

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