Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Five Things to Know about FST: March 25, 2021


1.  Training:  We're still a year out from Workday Financials Training.  The Training team will deliver a training plan within the next few weeks, though, so expect more details soon!

2.  Reporting & Analytics:  This workstream is sharing regular updates via the blog and the Online Community.  Check out their latest on the EDW vs. UBI.

3.  FDM Mapping set to begin in April:  The project team is finishing up with their efforts mapping the top ten financial scenarios and converting GL balances to the FDM structure.  Read "Preparing for Mapping"

4.  Budget Process Redesign continues:  The Adaptive team is working with a larger group across Grounds on a version of the budget tool that will integrate with Workday Financials and the new FDM.  Keep up with them on the website.

5.  We are one year, three months, and six days away from Go-Live!  The next round of Customer Confirmation Sessions is targeted for June.   

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