Wednesday, March 10, 2021

System Remediation by the Numbers

170 systems

Part of the Finance Strategic Transformation (FST) project is to ensure systems across UVA will be remediated to interact successfully with Workday Financials when it goes live on July 1, 2022. 

This is no mean feat, as UVA's got 170 systems and 168 applications between academic division, health system, and University Physician's Group (UPG) areas. See the full system inventory on the online Community.   

168 applications
The FST System Remediation Lead Scot Thornton leads the System Remediation Network (SRN), formed to ensure schools/units get the support needed to navigate this process effectively. More than 140 system owners and others participate in the network's monthly meetings. 

140 plus system ownersThornton and the remediation team are connecting with system owners to navigate the plan and analyze remediation phase and shifting into the design phase. 

If you have questions about who is the point person for systems in your area, check the inventory or contact Thornton for information. 

You may also view SRN meeting videos and access meeting slides on the SRN section of the online Community

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