Thursday, March 11, 2021

FST Update


Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!

Project Timeline

We’re approaching the midpoint of the configuration and prototype phase: we’ve had the first build of our UVA tenant of Workday Financials, we’ve done the first round of Customer Confirmation sessions at the end of last year, and our Change Leaders are holding some great sessions within their schools and units to show a sneak peek of the Workday tenant’s functionality.

From here, we’re heading toward another build of the workday financials tenant and another round of customer confirmation sessions. There’s a lot to come, still, but we’ve made tremendous progress and we appreciate everyone in the listening audience who’s been part of it.

Find your Advisory Group member. 

Chart of Accounts (FDM)

The thing that’s on everyone’s mind right now is the FDM, of course. The Foundational Data Model, or FDM, is the name for our Chart of Accounts in Workday. It's a huge effort to convert our GA and GL. The team is working intently on this, in anticipation of FDM mapping activities at the school and unit-level that will begin this spring.

There are a few outstanding decisions that need to be made, and work has to be completed on the FDM mapping tool itself, but the team does know what the overall FDM mapping process will look like: our partners in the schools and units will run reports in UBI and transfer the data to Excel, reviewing the results and validating conversions from the PTAO to the FDM, and adjusting the Excel Sheets accordingly.

The time schools and units can expect to give to this work could of course vary greatly depending on the complexity and volume in your specific area. Expect more details on this very, very soon!

System Remediation

The System Remediation Network is the group of folks across Grounds who have systems that work with Oracle currently that are going to need to work with Workday. Scot Thornton is heading up that area of the project. You can see what the SRN has been up to by checking out their space in the online community – go visit them now!  If you have a question about a system in your area, reach out to Scot

Reporting & Analytics in the Future State

This week, Mark Anderson expands on the question we tackled in our last blog digest about the future use of UBI and delves into what enterprise reporting may look like for various use cases in the future.
If you’re curious about what will be done in UBI vs. Workday vs. some other system in the future, take a look at this blog post he helped us put together this week and his post in the Online Community.

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