Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Shifting from Reaction to Opportunities: The Great COVID Reset

In this interactive session, share ideas about new ways of working and new models that have been implemented in your area, as well as challenges you face. 

 What practices and approaches have you adapted in the past year that work well and you plan to continue? What challenges are you grappling with and would you like to hear how others have addressed them? Looking forward, what new ideas or approaches are emerging and shaping the ‘new normal’ - post-COVID work environment? Have you stopped doing anything? That’s a learning too.

Come prepared to contribute generously and listen curiously and help each other navigate the changing landscape.

Presenters: This event is a structured sharing and learning session among participants.
When: April 7, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Details: Zoom access information will be provided to registrants prior to event.

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