Friday, August 13, 2021

FST Update August 12, 2021

Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!

No time to read paragraphs?  Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

Foundation Data Model

As we’ve reported prior to today, representatives from schools and units got together on August 3 for an FDM Mapping Kickoff session.  Participants got an overview of the mapping timeline and process and were assigned to work in collaborative groups with similar schools and units in order to make the work a little easier.  The mapping process will go from now until March 2022.

Read more about mapping here.

Will there be a Sandbox?

The short answer is that no, there won’t be a practice tenant or "sandbox" as such. Why not?  One thing that makes a sandbox difficult in our situation here at UVA is that if we had a sandbox between now and go-live, we would be offering that environment to people before they had any training whatsoever, which means their sandbox experience wouldn’t be very meaningful.  We want to give our time the ultimate goal of pushing UVA's instance of Workday Financials across the finish line at go-live.  You can read more about this decision and learn more about how users will be able to "get their hands dirty" in Workday Financials before go-live.

End-to-End Testing 

Testing begins this September! If you would like to know more about testing, we recommend the articles below.  Also, FST Testing Lead Sunil Sah has been making the rounds to FST governance groups, so if you’d like to hear him talk about the testing plan, check out the recording of the August 4 Fiscal Administrators' meeting.

Putting Workday to the Test (link to FA video)

Getting Everything Just Right: FST Testing

Read more about Sunil Sah, FST Testing Lead

FST Website Content Migrating to New UVA Site

The new UVAFinance website goes live August 16!  This is an agile rollout, and we'll gradually be adding all UVAFinance areas to this one, integrated, function-based site.  Finance Transformation content is one of the first areas to be migrated.  Visit to see the new site (FST content is located in the upper left).  Even though the site is live, we’ll still be making adjustments, and of course, working toward getting the other UVAFinance department on the new site, so for a while, the old sites of those first few departments will still be live before we put redirects in place.  That gives our stakeholders a chance to get familiar with new locations of the content they visit most frequently. 

Read more about the new UVAFinance website

Reporting & Analytics Focus Group

The Reporting & Analytics team is holding meetings with a sampling of users across Grounds to take an initial look at high-priority financial reports.  This is just a preliminary examination of reports and not full-fledged testing, but it's a good first step to make sure we're headed in the right direction with reporting.  Read more on the blog.

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