Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ready, Set, Map! FDM Kickoff Starts Formal Mapping Proccess

On August 3, representatives from schools and units participated in an Foundation Data Model (FDM) Mapping Kickoff session. You may access the video of the FDM Mapping Kickoff session here. The session provided an overview of the anticipated mapping timeline and process, and participants had the opportunity to meet with their pod. As part of the support for mapping, representatives have been assigned into collaborative groups (pods) with colleagues whose work area has similar needs or anticipated worktag usage. Participants included the school/unit mapping exercise leads and some of their support colleagues who will collaborate to manage the mapping exercise in their areas. They will, of course, work with others in their schools and units as appropriate to complete mapping successfully. 

Mapping will be an iterative process, continuing from now through mid-March 2022. The FST team gathered resources to support mapping efforts on the FDM Resource Page in the online Community, which includes mapping logistics/instructions, value sets, and Oracle-to-FDM crosswalks. The page also includes a section on FDM basics, in case you're getting caught up on the changes that will take place as we transition from the Oracle Chart of Accounts to the Workday Financials FDM after go-live on July 1, 2022. The FDM Level-Setting Video is a good place to start. 

If you have FDM mapping-related questions, contact the FST team at

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