Wednesday, August 25, 2021

FST Update August 26, 2021

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No time to read paragraphs? Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

Foundation Data Model

Schools and units are now several weeks into Foundation Data Model, or FDM, work.  They’re mapping the old chart of accounts, the PTAO, to the new FDM that we’ll use for Workday Financials.  There’s an expansive resource site for the FDM work in the online community that you can access here:

Adaptive Planning

The Adaptive Planning Team is continuing to shape Adaptive, Workday’s planning and budgeting software, to be ready to integrate with Workday financials in July of 2022.  UVA has been using Adaptive since the summer the pandemic began, in order to take advantage of its enhanced planning functionality in that really unpredictable time.  Since then, users have been working with the Adaptive Team to make improvements to the software to make it more useful to UVA.  Read more on the blog.

Moving from Configuration & Prototype to End-to-End Testing

At the end of August, we officially say goodbye to the Configuration and Prototype phase of FST.  As of September 1, we’ll be in a  brave new phase: end-to-end testing, where the FST Team tests business processes from start to finish. 

Read more about testing on the blog

What did we achieve in Config & Prototype? 

Training Update

The Training Team is working hard to deliver the training that will allow you and your team to be successful doing your jobs in Workday Financials upon go live.  The decision on timing of training is based on training best practices and the years and years of experience the training team has, plus comparisons to what other higher ed institutions found successful.  It boils down to this:  Training sticks with learners best when they don’t have time to forget what they’ve learned before they can actually get into the system.  We want our stakeholders to learn on a system that appears and functions as it will at go-live.  Read more from Patty Marbury on the blog.

Recon@ update

The team is working with stakeholders to find a way to build real-time approvals on the front end, within Workday Financials, but we’ll probably still need post-transactional attestation provided by an outside tool.  Check out the detail on the blog.

Continuous Improvement:  UFM 2.0

With many financial changes underway and new university leadership at the helm, the University Financial Model is under review to make sure it supports 2030 strategic plan goals.  A committee is doing a strategic review of the model, to make sure it serves the needs of the organization, and also assessing how the current model is serving the needs of schools and units across UVA – focusing on the model’s users.  Learn more on the blog.

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