Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Ready, Test, Go: Workday Financials End-to-End Testing

The Finance Strategic Transformation (FST) team is currently building the end-to-end (E2E) tenant in Workday Financials, expected to be completed this month. This tenant will enable us to confirm that our configuration of Workday will function as we need it to and is ready for our production tenant, which is the one we will use at go-live on July 1, 2022. 

Fear notthe User Experience Review (UER) tenant and testing will occur after E2E and will involve a broad group of end users. During UER, users will test selected scenarios that include key processes to mimic what real-world use of the system will be like. User experience testing will also contribute valuable information to the training team to ensure that training-related communication and job aids appropriately meet user needs ahead of go-live.

The timeline below (click to enlarge) shows upcoming testing activities. 

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