Tuesday, August 10, 2021

SRN Subgroups Update

To supplement the monthly Finance transformation Systems Remediation Network (SRN) meetings, subgroups have been formed and many are now actively meeting. 

Three out of the five planned groups relating to integrations have begun meeting, with two additional to be initiated in the next couple of weeks. Student Information System (SIS) and Operational Data Store (ODS) remediation subgroups are meeting, as well as those for UVA Wise and the Medical Center.

The groups generally review how participants are progressing on their remediation, identify what (if anything) the FST team can do to assist them to eliminate barriers, and more specifically discuss issues relating to their system which we are unable to do in the larger monthly SRN meetings. These meetings provide participants with the opportunity for more granularity and specific focus on their systems. Participants also discuss specifics related to integrations if they have any. 

Visit the System Remediation Network page in the online Community for more information about remediation. 

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