Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Note for New Folks

If this is the first time the UVAFinance blog digest has made its way into your inbox: hello and welcome!  

You may be wondering how you got on the mailing list.  The answer is related to Finance Strategic Transformation (the implementation of Workday Financials). You were added because you have a business role in Workday Financials.  

In the past, UVAFinance had no consistently reliable way of identifying folks across Grounds who did finance work and needed updates from central finance.  We sent the blog digest to those who worked with us in groups like Fiscal Administrators and Business Officers Council, and of course many opted in to the mailing list on their own.  

With the advent of Workday Finance, it's possible to identify those who are doing finance transactions across Grounds, and so we have added you to our mailing list.  The blog digest comes out every other week and has information related to all finance functions: procurement, financial reporting, budget, treasury, risk management, travel and expense, and more.  The news we share is pertinent to the job you do.

We're glad you're here!  If you have questions or concerns about finance news, the Workday Finance implementation, or anything else finance-related, please reach out to us at askfinance@virginia.edu -- we'll be happy to help!

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