Thursday, May 12, 2022

FST Fridays: Final Stats

In April, the FST Change Team held six FST Friday sessions that offered stakeholders an early glimpse of some financial transactions in Workday. 

Over 1,265 participants attended these sessions which focused on the Foundation Data Model, Employee as Self, and Procurement. In addition to topic-specific information, each session also featured an overview of the FST project, the benefits of switching to Workday, and live transaction demos. 

FST Fridays received an overall positive response. Here's what a few people had to say about the sessions: 


If you weren't able to attend a session live, or would just like to review what you saw in a live session, you can find all session recordings and slides on the UVAFinance FST Resource page (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page).  You can also check out the bonus FST Friday session held on May 6 -- an overview of reporting capabilities in Workday Finance!


Ready to start training now that FST Fridays are over? Click here to read more about training on the blog!

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