Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Cutover Impact: No Sponsored Account Set Up for June 10-July 4

The University is upgrading its financial system from Oracle to Workday Financials on July 1, 2022. How will the transition impact sponsored account setup?
  • The creation of new or modification of existing Oracle sponsored accounts will suspend on June 10. 
  • The creation of new and modification of existing sponsored accounts will begin in Workday on July 5.
  • OSP and your local research administrators are working intensely to process as many actions as possible before June 10.
  • We strongly recommend that you submit requests for:
    • At-risk accounts for new awards that likely will not get processed but have start dates before July 5, and
    • At-risk extensions for awards that will expire between June 10 and July 5.
  • To expedite processing, ensure that all of your required compliance training and disclosures (COI, External Activities, Undue Foreign Influence, etc.) are current.
  • To help with the transition, please assist with your administrator’s efforts to close old accounts and complete all recons.
Should you have questions, please reach out to your unit’s research administrators or email osp-help@virginia.edu.

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