Thursday, May 12, 2022

Artaga Carey joins UVAFinance, Provides Support to UREG and SFS

Artaga Carey has been a part of UVA for almost 17 years, bringing her institutional knowledge and experience to UVAFinance after working in Student Health and Wellness.

As an Administrative and Front Desk Assistant, Carey is expertly supporting the Carruthers' Student Financial Services and University Registrar teams.

She says any challenges she may face in her role will be overcome with the help of the teams she supports.

"The teams I work with are so gracious in explaining processes," Carey says of getting up to speed in her new role.

Her favorite part of her new role thus far is "everyone's willingness to help and the sense of community."

Outside of work, she is usually listening to music, hanging out with her little people, reading, and enjoying time with her friends and family.


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