Friday, May 6, 2022

Priscilla Slaughter Joins the FST Team as Administrative Support

With go-live quickly approaching, the FST team is busier now than ever before. Luckily, the team also has more administrative help now than ever before because Priscilla Slaughter has recently joined the project as an Administrative Assistant.               

Slaughter knew right away that being part of UVA and the FST team was for her. “[Everyone during the interview process] made me feel as though I fit right in,” she says.

After quickly learning her new responsibilities, Slaughter has already scheduled several meetings and helped with other important tasks. “When I first started, things were a little challenging,” she explains. “Until I learned more about FST and learned the system.”

As she is in an administrative role on the project, Slaughter interacts with many people throughout her day and supports the entirety of the FST team. However, she works most closely with Anthony Pearson, the other Administrative Assistant on the project (Jamie Wilson is also still providing administrative support part-time). She also works closely with Angela Knobloch, the Change Management Team Lead, and with the project’s PMO team members.

Slaughter is a mother of three and a grandmother of one. She loves to be outgoing, have fun, and joke around with her children, family, and friends. Several hobbies keep her busy outside of work, including cooking, baking, and writing poems. She also enjoys exercising every day, which she does through activities like taking on her son in basketball, bowling, playing pool, and miniature golf.

Glad to have you on the team, Priscilla!

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