Wednesday, July 13, 2022

5 Things to Know about FST: July 14, 2022


1.  Now that Workday Financials is live, you may need a refresher on what you learned in training.  Find resources, slides, demos, and the office hours schedule on the Workday Financials Training page. 

2.  We're tracking issues with the Workday Financials system, as well as timely updates, on the UVAFinance website.  Look for the FST News Ticker on the left side of the page. 

3.  Fund Balance Realignment is coming into focus after the launch of Workday Financials.  You can keep track of this and other ongoing efforts on the FST webpage under "items in progress."

4.  Adaptive Planning 3.0 goes live on July 28.  Resources and training are available on the UVAFinance website.

5.  The Finance Solution Center is working hard to help you in these early days of the new system.  Thank you for your patience as we answer your questions as quickly as possible!

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