Thursday, July 28, 2022

Account Certification starts August 1

It's time for another first in the world of Workday Financials, post-launch.  On Monday, August 1, the first Account Certifications in Workday will be pushed to Preparers.  

If you have an Account Certification role, you can begin preparing by ensuring you've completed the training required.   Visit the Workday Finance training page and view "Account Certification" for a direct link to the self-paced training, as well as quick reference guides, course slides, and video demonstrations. 

Many Account Certification Resources are available on the UVAFinance website.

The first Office Hours session focused on Account Certification is Monday, August 1 at 9:30, and it's the first of several scheduled in August.  Check out the Office Hours schedule and find the link to join here.

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