Monday, July 11, 2022

Adaptive Planning 3.0: Time for Training

Adaptive Planning 3.0 goes
live July 28!

So many launches, so little time!  Now that Workday Financials is live, the finance community at UVA is looking next to the launch of Adaptive Planning 3.0 on July 28.  

Training for Adaptive Planning 3.0 is available now in Workday.  This 45-minute training is online and on-demand.  At press time, a little over 30% of those required to take the training have completed it.  If the training has been assigned to you, get in there and get it done before launch!

The Adaptive Planning Team has a variety of resources available on the UVAFinance website for those of you that are preparing for the transition from Adaptive 2.0 to Adaptive 3.0.  Check them out here!


Related:  Working on your budget in Adaptive 2.0 before the 3.0 version launches?  Be sure and see this helpful presentation in the Community.

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