Monday, February 21, 2022

Adaptive Planning Update

The Adaptive Team and their intrepid band of testers are deep in end-to-end testing of the version of Adaptive Planning that will integrate with Workday Financials upon its July 1 go-live date.  Similar to the testing process with Workday Financials, once end-to-end has wrapped up, the team will move into User Experience Review (UER) of Adaptive.  

During UER, schools and units will get to interact with the new functionality that this Adaptive 3.0 version will offer.  Check out this past blog article to see the journey we've made so far using Adaptive Planning, from its pilot to the integration with Workday.

click image for a larger view

Remember, Adaptive is the source of truth for budgets at UVA.  All questions from University leadership will be based on the budget in Adaptive.  

Click image for a larger view


Have a budget question?  Ask the team anything here

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