Thursday, February 24, 2022

Five Things to Know about FST: February 24, 2022

1.  Security Role Mapping efforts are working toward a March 11 date to have most current Oracle roles mapped to Workday Finance Roles.  These are the roles that will be used to sort users into role-based training this May.  Want to read more?  Check out this blog post.

2.  Training will roll out this May in a variety of modalities, and as mentioned above, will be role-based.    Interested in the details?  Read more on the blog.

3.  Support in the future state: We're also planning in-system support, office hours, and help desk support for after go-live.  The aim is that you're able to do your job in Workday Financials at go-live!  Read more about plans on the blog.

4.  Testing of Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning continues.  With end-to-end testing wrapping up, user experience review is kicking off for Workday Financials.  Adaptive Planning continues testing and looks toward user experience review in March.  Read more about Workday UER; Read more about Adaptive testing.

5.  More details about GL balance conversion and cutover (switching Oracle OFF and Workday Financials ON) are coming soon!  You can read more if you like about GL balances and cutover on the blog, and we encourage you to watch the blog for more information as we draw nearer to go-live on July 1, 2022.

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