Thursday, February 24, 2022

FST Update: February 24, 2022


No time to read all the text?  Check out Five things to Know about FST

Security Role Mapping (Workflow Control & Approvals)

The Security Role mapping sprint is working toward a March 11 deadline to submit a draft of the workday security role assignments in their respective schools and units.  The group often meets up to three times per week to compare current oracle processes and roles to map them to the processes and roles we’ll use in Workday.  Security role mapping, or Workflow Control and approvals as you may sometimes hear it referred to, is all about getting the right people in the right roles so that when it comes time for training, we’ll know exactly who needs which role-based training.

Get the full story on the blog.


The specific roles you’ll play within Workday Financials will determine what courses you will complete as we approach July 1, 2022, and it’s the training team’s goal to make sure you’re able to perform your work upon go-live.  They will offer self-paced, online training that folks can take at their own convenience, as well as instructor-led training offered virtually and supplemented with in-person as needed.  We’re also working on Quick Reference Guides,  and the training team will also hold office hours after go-live to address your questions.  

Read more about training and post-go-live support.

User Experience Review is kicking off!

Over 300 folks from across Grounds will jump into the pool to review the Workday tenant as it is now.  With end-to-end testing wrapped, these users will be taking the system for a spin and using the training team's QRGs (Quick Reference Guides) to complete tasks in the system.  We appreciate their assistance!

Read more about UER

FDM Mapping Work continues

Schools and units are firming up their FDM, because March 17 begins the FDM frost, the last day they can request new worktags. Getting the FDM mapping as refined as possible now will mean fewer manual efforts post-go-live.

Get the details on the blog.

GL Mapping

We're expecting further clarity on GL Balance conversion soon.  The team is working to refine the mapping rules and testing the conversion of expendable fund balances, with a goal of having a plan for schools and units to review by mid-March.

Read more about expendable fund balances

Adaptive Planning

The Adaptive Team and its intrepid band of end-to-end testers is still working out the kinks of the version of Adaptive Planning, our budget software, that will integrate with Workday Financials on go live.  They’ll be moving to User Experience Review themselves, soon. 

Get the full story on the blog.

Cutover (turning Oracle off and Workday Financials ON!)

We’ll also be sharing more details very soon on cutover – which is the turning off of the old system and turning on of the new one.  Cutover Lead Madhu Iyer has been planning for cutover since his arrival last year.  He is working with the FST team and our stakeholders to have some more concrete dates and plans as we move through spring.

More details on the blog.

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