Monday, February 7, 2022

Security Role Mapping Sprinting Forward

An inaccurate representation of 
Security Roles in the Matrix

It's only been since January 24 that the Security Role Mapping sprint began, yet work is racing forward at a clip.  Around 150 mappers attend the All-Pods meeting each Monday, and a significant portion of those folks also attend Office Hours each Wednesday.  If you would like to be added to either meeting, just drop us a line at

We've built up a large library of resources in the Online Community; some highlights include: 

The Sprint is working toward a March 11 deadline to submit security role assignments for Workday.  That's an important deadline because security roles are the basis for our role-based training that begins rolling out in April.  

Coming soon to a Security Role Mapping Sprint All Pods:  a deep dive into sponsored activity and distribution of a separation of duties matrix.  Don't miss out -- check out the resources and plan to attend the meetings!

Click image for a larger view


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