Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Looking for the Guideposts

Let's say you are hiking a new mountain trail, anticipating the view from the final destination but you are also a bit nervous about finding your way and staying on the designated trail. Will it be clear? How will you know how far you've hiked? Will you know when you are close to the top?

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It's a little like making our way to the go-live date with Workday Financials. We essentially know where we are going but reminders and clear directional information can be helpful. Much like hikers on a difficult trail, we need some guideposts showing us where we are and where we are going. 

As such, the Communications team has developed branding around our Stakeholder Roadmap so that each workflow area is identified by an identifiable icon.

 The goal is to help team members hone in on their areas and obtain information in a streamlined manner. Similar to the "5 Things" in the Blog Digest, having these graphical icons provides team members the opportunity to go straight to their area of work to get the latest updates including timelines, requests, and updates. 

The icons will be used on the blog, in emails, on FST one-pagers, on the web, and in the Weekly Wrap. Each workflow area has a micro-timeline to help team members working in that area understand where they are in the process and what to anticipate next. For instance Workflow Controls and Approvals has a timeline posted on the blog here

Please be on the lookout for these new guideposts assisting us with getting to that destination up at the top. We hear the view is incredible!

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