Wednesday, February 23, 2022

System Remediation Update

Testing time has arrived and systems that send or receive information via Workday must complete that specific testing by April 30. Running through testing scenarios now provides for more successful operations post July 1’s go-live.

To prepare, please finalize remediation of systems within your units and ensure they are ready and scheduled for testing. Scot Thornton, SRN Lead, is available to provide support if your units are not yet scheduled for testing.

For additional support and tools, visit here to access updated SRN resources.

SRN By the Numbers

Green (on track):  21 of 82 systems
Remediation part of the FST project work:  19 of 82 systems
Amber (moderate risk): 36 of 82 systems
Red (high risk): 6 of 82 systems
Unknown status:  1 of 82 systems

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