Thursday, February 24, 2022

UVAFinance: Make plans to attend the Spring Fling!

We’re having a fling! No, not that kind of fling. 

The UVAFinance Spring Fling will be held on April 27, 2022. The biennial, in-person event is an opportunity to gather with our colleagues to share news and celebrate our accomplishments. 

The schedule for the day will be shared closer to the event, but plan on meetings throughout the day and a lunch social with maybe a surprise or two. As plans are finalized, information will be shared through the Outlook calendar invitation you already have and through the blog digest. 

Need hotel accommodations? The Travel Contracts page lists local hotels that provide discounts. When booking, make sure to indicate you are booking under the UVA contract to obtain the discount.


Liz. B said...

Have the invites for this already gone out? I haven't received anything. I just saw this in the latest UVA Finance email. Thank you - Liz

Brandi Van Ormer said...

Hi Liz! I would check with Ann Paxton to make sure you get this on your calendar!