Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Gary Young Retires from Fixed Assets

UVAFinance announces the upcoming retirement of Gary Young, the dedicated leader of UVA’s Finance Fixed Assets Accounting & Reporting Group.

Young has been at UVA for nearly 18 years and has established, staffed, and developed the Fixed Assets team.  Under his leadership, the team developed successful relationships across Grounds and beyond, recorded and calculated over 40,000 units of fixed assets and capital equipment, equalling over $4 billion in aggregate.  

We invite you to reach out to Young as he begins this new chapter of his life.  A hybrid celebration honoring Young is planned for Wednesday, February 16, from 1-2 pm in Carr-1 & 2, Carruthers Hall, or via Zoom at https://virginia.zoom.us/j/95698639510?pwd=TS9FcFlPUlgzanZsTmNHcUhzbHV0Zz09

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